

Software Engineer

Full-Stack Developer



I have a vast amount of experience using Javascript, building websites, mobile apps, and games. I have worked with ECMA Script (ES) 2015 since I started college and transitioned to using ES6 and ES7 daily, and have professional experience with modern tooling such as Node, Webpack, Babel, and the package managers npm and yarn. I have worked in TDD environments and have used the testing framework Jasmine.



I have 3 years experience with React, building websites, applications, and component libraries. I also have used a similar framework React Native to build mobile apps. I started using React professionally since last year, and have been exposed to using both Redux and a bit of Apollo which uses graphQL for client side state management. I also have professional experience with other packages that aid React development including React Router and Styled Components.



I have worked with HTML and CSS over 4 years starting a year just before college, producing responsive markup and styles with a focus on accessiblity and performance. I have come to learn more about web accessiblity standards in UI as well additions to markup to allow for more functionality to devices such as screen readers. I have a good amount of knowledge of the CSS spec and have worked with flexbox and grid. I have also used both pre-processors SASS and Less.



I have some experience of creating headless front-ends, and working with the JAMstack. This website is built with Gatsby, a static site framework based on React.


C# Net Core.

I have used C# Net Core extensively as a backend for my projects. I first learned about Net Core as a Full Stack Developer Trainee as Coding Dojo. I have mainly used Net Core in conjunction with SQL databases such as PostgreSQL and Azure SQL to create backend APIs for websites and mobile apps. I have experience using LINQ, Dapper, and the Entity Framework to query and model data. In addition, I have deployed full stack apps using the Azure cloud service with a custom build pipelines using Azure devOps.